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AVSS 2023


The 19th International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance Nov 6 - 9, 2023



Cross-view Multi-object Tracking in DIVerse Open Scenes


Cross-view multi-object tracking is a challenging problem in computer vision that involves tracking multiple objects of interest across multiple camera views. The goal is to associate object detections across different views and time frames, and to maintain the identity of each object throughout the tracking process. Interested participants are invited to apply their approaches and methods on a novel cross-view multi-object tracking dataset DIVOTrack being made available by the challenge organizers. We collect data in 15 different real­world scenarios, including indoor and outdoor public scenes. The dataset is split into development data with a training set, testing set, and challenge set. Each of them contains 5 different real-world scenarios, including indoor and outdoor public scenes. The duration of each video is about 1 minute at 30FPS. All the sequences are captured by using three moving cameras and are manually synchronized. There are both moving dense crowds and sparse pedestrians in outdoor scenes. The surrounding environment of outdoor scenes is diverse, including streets, vehicles, buildings, and public infrastructures. Meanwhile, the indoor scene comes from a large shopping mall, with a more complicated and severe occlusion of the crowd than the outdoor environment. The development data includes original video clips, object bounding boxes, and global id for each object. The organizers will support the evaluation and scoring the result of the challenge set. The results of each scene has 3 txt files. The txt file format is frame_idperson_idIxlywh , fid is frame id, pid is person id, Ix is the x coordinate of the lefttop position, ly is the y coordinate of the lefttop position, w and h are the width and height of each person box. The participants can download the DIVOTrack from here, and use the evaluation protocol from here

The rules for participation

The competition is open to everyone. But the members from the teams of the organizers cannot join. All teams should mailed the license for using DIVOTrack to shengyuhao ( The top 3 teams will be invited to give a presentation, including methods and experimental results.

Note: Please use your institutional email to register for the competition, otherwise the registration will not be approved.

The criteria that will be used to evaluate the submitted entries

The evaluation should be user-friendly and convenient for participants. It should also be fair and safe to be hacked. We designed detailed rules as follows:

The team that will run the challenge

The team running the challenge from Zhejiang University - University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Institute. The team would be responsible for creating the challenge dataset, defining the evaluation metrics and rules, and providing support and guidance to the participants throughout the challenge.

Important dates