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AVSS 2023


The 19th International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance Nov 6 - 9, 2023


Calls For Challenges

19th IEEE Int. Conf. on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance

Both at EXCO Convention Center, Daegu, South Korea and virtually.

6 (Mon.) ~ 9 (Thur.), November, 2023

AVSS 2023 is the 19th edition of the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance, a premier forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the field of video and signal-based surveillance. AVSS 2023 is sponsored by the IEEE Signal Processing Society. The goal is to provide a game-changing and cross-disciplinary forum that brings together experts from academia, industry, and government to advance the frontiers of theories, methods, systems, and applications.

AVSS 2023 invites proposals for Challenge addressing problems that will engage and excite the video processing/analytics and surveillance research community.

Important Dates

Challenge Workshop Proposal Submission Deadline May 1, 2023
Acceptance Notification May 15, 2023
Challenge Date November 6, 2023

The proposal should include the following information:

Challenge organizers should provide a dataset to participating teams that should include a training set with ground truth and a testing set whose ground truth is hidden. Challenge organizers are in charge of the evaluating the results/models submitted by the participants on the testing set.

Challenge organizers will also organize the presentation of the best-performing teams in a dedicated session at AVSS. The session includes:

Submission Instructions

Proposals should be submitted via email to the challenge chairs:

Inquiries regarding the challenge sessions should be sent to the challenge chairs.
